Monday, August 24, 2009

The Miracle Mushroom for Health, Wealth and Happiness

A medicinal food product without any side effects. It can improve one's constitution, increase the body's healing ability, to help maintain a healthy body and have a long life. Though man was aware of the therapeutic effects of ganoderma for thousands of years, only in the 1970's was it successfully cultivated for medical use.

It is at once a hemocatharsis, detoxicant, diuretic, liver protector, intestine regulator, cardio-tonic, blood pressure adjuster, a cola tonic, anti-tussive and expectorant, a tranquilizer and an anti-tumor drug. Out of the several varieties of mushrooms, 6 of the red Ganoderma L. mushroom have the highest therapeutic effect and are known as the "King of Herbs".

DXN produces this medicinal food product out of Ganoderma Lucidum grown through special tissue culture and organic cultivation method without using any chemical fertiliser or insecticide. RG is effective in scanning diseases, cleansing toxins, regulating body functions, ensuring recovery of health, preserving youthfulness and contains polysaccharides, organic germanium, adenosine, ganoderic essence, triterpenoides, protein and fibre. While polysaccharides function as a cleanser, organic germanium acts as a balancer increasing the oxygen content in the body and regulating the balance of electrical charges in the body.

The adenosine acts as a regulator lowering cholesterol and lipids, stabilising red cell membrane and regulating the metabolism for a youthful feeling. The triterpenoids act as a builder enhancing the digestive system and activating the nucleus of body cells. The Ganodermic essence acts as a regenerator overcoming skin diseases with rejuvenation of body tissue and beautification of the skin. GL serves as a brain tonic, oxygen supplier and the basis for body growth and contains almost four times more of polysaccharides and organic germanium compared to RG in addition to a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals. The organic germanium in GL enables more oxygen to the brain and nerves/organs and act as a brain tonic and for cleansing nerves and stabilizing them also improving eyesight, hearing, kidney disorders with a special ability to control abnormal cells.

Ganoderma's basic functions according to Dr. Shigeru Yuji's clinical experiments showed that:

1. It lowers Cholesterol in the blood and the amount of excessive fat.

2. It reduces blood's sugar level and restores pancreas functions.

3. It lowers blood lipids and stabilize red cell membrane.

4. It contains Adenosine which can lower platelet's aggulation, lyse thrombi and prevent

5. It improves the function of the cortes of the adrenal glands to maintain endocrine balance.

6. It elevates the natural healing ability of the body, allows the body to establish a strong immune system.

7. It prevents tissue cell degeneration.

8. It prevents senility, maintaining a youthful constitution.

9. It lowers the side effects of antihypertensive drugs.

10. It prevents organ degeneration.

11. It prevents allergy caused by antigens, because it inhibits the histamme releasing mastcell.

12. It prevents and treats cancer and inhibits cancer cell metatastis

a. Normalizes to prevent tissue degeneration.

b. Prevents sudden death of cancer patients caused by embolism.

c. Inhibits thrombogenesis and lyses thrombi on the wall of the surrounding tissues and removes blockade of cancer medication, increases these drugs effectiveness.

d. Relieves pain caused by cancer.

God's Core Business

It seems kind of weird to tag God as a merchant i.e. that he has a 'core business' or trade. The truth is, he's so other-than everything else - especially in the worldly or commercial sense. But there is about him, a nature; his wisdom and truth are known all about us every moment, though most of us are blind to it in ordinary life. It's forever a mystery to us.

Everyday Miraculous Life

Within the realm of human nature, God specialises in the certain business of miracles; not supernatural miracles (though I do not deny them), but practical, everyday, ordinary-life miracles.

(I especially don't want to downplay the supernatural miracle because I know there are many who passionately believe - it's not my intent to offend. It is no coincidence that Jesus denounced those who continually looked especially for the supernatural type of miracle found often in the Old Testament[1] e.g. the Exodus, for reason to believe. But, as we see, Jesus changes things.)

Our Relational God

God is relational at his core. He would not have created us had he not sought relationship, and in any event, there are so many things about life that testify that he wishes to relate with us, as much as he wishes for us to relate with him.

There above are two hints toward what I would call are the most common and powerful miracles of God. There is a third - us, humanity. We are intrinsically part of his miraculous plan; he has miracles planned for each one of us!

Changing hearts and minds

God's core business, in relation to us at least, is working his changes through our hearts and minds. When he achieves this - the breaking down of the sinful, selfish pride each of us battles with - it's nothing short of an absolute miracle. And all we've done is responded in obedience; yet, there stands a nature totally foreign to our default human nature.

Only his Spirit, the Holy Spirit, can bring this change about - to show to us our errant way, give us the courage to react, and thus bring us back into fellowship with him.

We can say these things, like forgiveness and grace and magnanimity, are miracles because they so rarely happen comparative to our fallen state. God can only bless the humble acts. He encourages us to act humbly but then we must do it. Then it's possible that further miracles are possible because our humility is often (eventually) the activator for the other person's likewise response.

Jesus said, attesting to this, "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." -Matthew 23:12 (TNIV).


"Pride first, then the crash, but humility is precursor to honor." -Proverbs 18:12 (Msg).

James says, finally, "Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. But the rich should take pride in their humiliation - since they will pass away like a wild flower. For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business." -James 1:9-11 (TNIV).

This is the nature of God. He gives the 'high position' to those who're truly humble - in the moment (it's no good being humble yesterday and not today). The time for the prideful rich is coming; they will be no more.

God's 'core business' (if it were possible for him to have one) cannot be limited to miracles, but it would be closer to say his business is intrinsically linked to changing lives - our lives. God's greatest achievement is changing our hearts toward a repentant humility.

His business is changing hearts and minds; a changed life is the Spirit's aim.

Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

[1] Disclaimer: (Additional to all the supernatural miracles) the account and theology of the Old Testament is littered with everyday miracles of obedience to which I allude here. For example, see Ruth regarding her loving interaction with Naomi. Jesus showed us both forms of miracles in his ministry, and the early Church was no different. Miracles of both kinds are biblically common.

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve's key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

Calcium Montmorillonite Clay A Miracle of Life

Far removed from prominent view, exists an age old substance in nature, known as "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay." There are only a limited number of "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" deposits around the world. The first site was discovered in Montmorillon, France in the 1800's, hence the name, Montmorillonite. For centuries Native American healers used it internally and externally in the treatment of a variety of illnesses. In years past sailing vessels departing from France were known to store clay on board for the treatment of dysentery as well as other ailments. Animals, domestic and wild alike, instinctually drawn to clay deposits have been observed licking the clay as part of their everyday diet, and rolling in it to obtain relief from injuries.

A recognized detoxifying agent, nutrient and bactericidal "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is in the smectite group of clays. Only those clays within the smectite group have the ability to absorb. Its power as a detoxifying substance comes from its inherent ability to adsorb and absorb. Its unique ability to grow and change (adsorb) is the reason for its classification and recognition as a "Living Clay". While there is more than one Montmorillonite, the red "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" of the smectite group remains a favorite for human use. Clay, which has been hydro-thermally altered and seasoned in the arid desert is rich in content. The color of clay is determined by the mixture and ratio of elements contained within it. Hydro-thermal exposures over long periods of time affect the clay in two important aspects; it becomes negatively charged and crystallized. As a result of the crystallization process the clay is reduced into small particles that make it easy for the body to assimilate. The negative charges on the clay give it the ability to adsorb or attract positively charged toxic matter, which is then absorbed into the clay and dispelled from the body as waste.
In addition to the role it plays as a potent detoxifier, "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" has also been used extensively in the treatment of pain, open wounds, colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, intestinal problems, acne, anemia, and a variety of other health issues.

"Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is reported to contain no less than 67 minerals. This impressive assortment of minerals includes calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica as well as trace elements, those appearing in very tiny amounts. The mineral content being extremely high sets the stage for replenishing dietary deficiencies. Today more than ever before, diets are lacking essential trace minerals and micronutrients. Without the basic minerals, life cannot exist; without trace minerals, major deficiencies may develop. Lack of either will make it impossible for the body to maintain good health and function properly. In clay the minerals occur in natural proportion to one another encouraging their absorption in the intestinal tract. Natural "Calcium Montmorillonite" restores minerals in the tissues where they are needed. Furthermore, minerals are the carriers of the electrical potential in the cells which enable the hormones, vitamins, and enzymes to function properly.

As mentioned above "Living Clay" is known to have been used historically as an effective antibacterial in the treatment of dysentery, and as a means of decontaminating water. Presently it is being used internationally to clarify and balance small and large bodies of water. This is so because "Living Clay" particles are smaller than many bacteria; when bacteria encounter an environment abundant in clay it becomes surrounded by the clay, and imbedded in it. The immediate result is that the bacteria are unable to receive nourishment and cannot survive.
The dominant approach in health care today is from the viewpoint that considers the notion of parts. The diagnosis of illness is often arrived at by looking for a specific disease by relying on symptoms surfacing in an apparently localized part or parts of the body. Once identified a specific medication for a specific problem is applied. Only recently has medical science begun once again, to explore the idea that health problems surface as a result of disease in the whole system, not just one or more of the parts. The immune system intimately affects each organ on a fundamental level, which spans the boundaries of all the body's vital functions. This is critical to understanding the cause of chronic and degenerative disease. The body's vital systems are dependent on each other. The presence of disease in any system impacts all systems. A lifestyle without substantial nutrition, sufficient rest, a proper balance of stress, and numerous other factors can weaken the immune system. Malfunction of the immune system leads to infectious disease. It is unrealistic to treat parts, and expect a whole result.

Because of its inherent healing properties, clay has long been recognized as a subject worthy of study. It is included as such, in many educational institutions today, which teach pharmacology, herbology, and nutrition. "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is currently being utilized in hospitals outside of the United States where it has already proven its effectiveness. In recent years clay has become a topic of discussion in numerous publications. Recently more information has become available outlining the important role "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" can play in the recovery and maintenance of health. It has also been receiving significant recognition by the health care community, as a proven and much overlooked natural alternative remedy in the prevention and cure of disease.

Recent exposure has spurred the interest of people around the world, prompting them to seek out reliable high quality resources for clay. This well deserved notoriety is serving to educate the public about this natural healing agent, as a true "Miracle of Life".

While "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is a powerful nutrient and detoxifier it is important to recognize that it is a part of a total health care system. Healing benefits may result from internal and/or external clay applications. The clay may be ingested, applied as a poultice, and/or used in a bath. An appropriate lifestyle and the proper guidance of a health care practitioner are essential to one's well being. Determining the most beneficial and appropriate application of "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay" is best discussed with someone familiar with its properties.

Natural medicines serve as catalysts triggering our bodies built in healing mechanisms as they work to restore health. I was prompted to write this article because of my personal experience with the far reaching healing powers of natural "Calcium Montmorillonite Clay". My hope is that the information provided here will encourage others to consult with their respective health practitioners, in considering its use as a part of their daily health regime.
I wish you one and all a lifetime of good health.

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Miracle Mineral Supplement Explained

In middle 1996, deep inside the mining jungles of South America, a United States scientist, named Jim Humble, made a breakthrough discovery... A discovery that would shift the course of human health history forever. Out of one small mining team's fight for survival, came a simple, yet all-prevailing remedy for nearly every pathogen-borne disease recognized to mankind. It started with a cure for malaria. Caused by a protozoan parasite, this disease downs over one million people each year.

After more than 75,000 registered successful interventions of this disease, many of which had effect in less than four hours, it was observed to experience similar results on diseases, induced by viruses, bacteria, fungi and proteins. Diseases like... AIDS, Hepatitis A, B and C, Typhoid Fever, BSE (mad-cow disease), Cancers, Herpes, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Arthritis, Asthma Attack, Colds and Flus... including H5N1 ("Bird Flu").

In the summer of 2007, Jim Humble heroically stepped out of the shadows to giveaway this info freely to all humankind. He thinks the long-term accessibility of this substance (called "miracle mineral solution") may soon be heavily controlled by "the powers that be". The elements of the Miracle Mineral Supplement are few...

The chemistry, simplified. The science, strong. The material (right now)... abundant. Chances are, you've never heard of this substance from your local doctor, a few medical doctors are practicing chemists. Unfortunately, you won't find Miracle Mineral Supplement at your local drugstore any time shortly. Nature can't be patented. Pharmaceutical companies profit from "treatments", not remedies. Ironically, even so, this content has already been authorized for various usage by the FDA. Applied in some industries, for eradication of pathogens outside the body, it's safety for man consumption has hardly been disclosed to the world.

Taken as advised, it serves to kill all known pathogens inside the body... on contact, leaving behind just a worthless trace of sodium. What is this mystery panacea, named Miracle Mineral? A easy and stabilized dioxide ion, which, once in the human body, becomes the most strong killer of disease that has ever been known.

Miracle Mineral Supplement can be purchased and even easy made in your own home. A single bottle can last a whole family a year. Taken orally, it can save your life or the life of someone you know. There are literally hundreds of different reasons why everyone should have at least one bottle of MMS, if not more, on-hand. Learn more about Jim Humble's story and his amazing gift (Miracle Mineral Supplement) to humanity.

This website offers information about the Miracle Mineral Supplement. You can watch numerous videos, listen to the audios, download free materials, read interesting reviews, and interviews about the MMS, find out where to buy it and much more.

The Amazing Cause and Effect Reality and a Miracle of Peace

I heard from my sister-in-law Jeannie today that she has been helping a woman whose son was murdered recently, a day after his 21st birthday. WHOAoooaaaa...... my so-called current problems immediately snapped into a different perspective. I was instantly overwhelmed with gratitude and relief for the lack of "events" in my life. None today thank you.

A different perspective is, I have a place to sit and contemplate the difference. I have some time of my own every day to sit and contemplate that I have that time.

Even though I have the next 10-12 hours committed to working for money, I have work.

And, right now, everyone I know is safe.

One thing you can think about every day, preferably as you start your day, is everything that is going right. List through a few things just as you are waking up. Or make a list in writing last thing before you go to sleep, and read it as soon as you wake up.

Human nature draws us into turmoil. News of current world events is hypnotically disabling. The state of the world is not one to celebrate right now. But, the power we have to affect it, is. We can create peace in our human heart right here, right now. We can. And if it's not there, we wouldn't recognize it outside of ourselves anyway.

World peace starts inside us. We have to treasure our inner peace and visit it every day. Our desire to manifest a miracle in our life, to create certain positive events, to make our quantum leap, can be fulfilled every day in some way. It may start with walking the dog, or sitting by a window, or some other peaceful routine. It's yours.

Your best reality has already begun to manifest, you've started it. Nurture it with positive thinking and you continue to be the cause that creates your ultimate effect through the Law of Attraction. Your miracle has already been conceived. And it will be amazing.

Change your life - learn effective tips to improve your use of the Law of Attraction, and Manifest A Miracle to change your life direction.

Ultra Theanine - The Miracle Ingredient in Tea

People who lived 5000 years ago drank tea for its medicinal properties, and not as a beverage, as it is done today. It was only about 1000 years ago that people first began to drink it as a beverage. If we consider these years in world history, it can be seen that a significant role has been played by tea, and even the American Revolution was triggered off by it.

Tea has a very important place in Japanese traditions, and they have even created a sophisticated ceremony around drinking tea. The reason why the Japanese gave tea so much importance is that they understood how the human body can be benefited by it. Tea contains caffeine, but it is not because of the caffeine content that tea is beneficial to our bodies. It is due to numerous other ingredients present in it, of which the main ingredient is an amino acid called Ultra Theanine or L-Theanine, which is present in green tea. Man was oblivious of these benefits ever since its discovery in 1949. Its benefits as a supplement to diet have come to light only in recent years. Among the many benefits that Theanine provides, some benefits are important enough to be studied in detail.

Effects on Depression and Memory Loss
People often associate loss of memory with the process of ageing (senior moments) or as a result of Alzheimer's and other chronic diseases. Research points out that stress and depression are major factors that contribute to memory loss. Inspite of both these being states of the mind, they do affect the chemistry of the body, which in turn has an adverse effect on the brain's functioning. In response to stress and depression, a stress hormone is released in the body. This stress hormone alters the brain's chemical balance, which can have a negative effect on both moods and memory. When drugs are taken in order to control swings in mood, they are actually altering this hormone. The worst thing is that if this hormone is produced in excess, the brain can even reduce in size.

Those who are undergoing depression are even advised particular drugs to block this hormone resulting from stress and treat depression. A naturally occurring amino acid, Theanine, is said to have a similar effect, thus helping in the treatment of depression.

According to research done, a natural chemical called glutamate is found in the brain. A link has been established between glutamate and depression. Studies have revealed that the bodies of those suffering from depression have an abnormal level of glutamate. Early researchers deduced that blocking the brain signals that were activated by glutamate, may help reduce depression. Theanine is said to perform this function.

The brains ability to memorize and learn is associated with biochemical processes that are similar in nature. When brain signals result from glutamate activation, they adversely affect the mood, memory and the ability to learn. It is logical that a person who cannot remember cannot learn. Brain signals resulting from glutamate activation are linked to alcohol consumption, strokes and Alzheimer's disease. As a result, an individual is not able to store information, leave alone retrieving it. If the body contains Theanine, a very small area will be affected in case of a stroke. In addition, according to research done in China, the chances of a stroke are reduced by 40% in tea drinkers. It thereby becomes obvious that those who maintain a healthy level of theanine in their system reduce their chances of memory loss and also the risk of having a stroke. Even if a stroke occurs, its adverse effects are reduced.

Effects on Weight Loss
It is a well known fact that when calories are burnt, weight is lost. But most people are not motivated to wake up early and exercise, or make the time during the day. Research was done in the United Kingdom with mountain climbers as subjects and showed that the climbers who drank hot tea were more motivated and energetic. Research done in Finland on those who drank at least five cups of tea or more showed that none of them suffered from depression. Although caffeine increases the rate of metabolism to some extent, it does not produce a marked difference. Moreover, consumption of caffeinated drinks in excess may lead to nervousness and irritability. Japanese conducted a detailed research on the effects of the various constituents present in green tea. They found out that theanine in combination with some other substances is known to prevent weight gain and reduce the level of triglycerides. We therefore conclude that it is theanine and not the caffeine content from tea that helps weight loss.

Effects on Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol consumption results in the formation of certain chemicals in the system that are more harmful than the alcohol itself. Theanine is said to break these toxic chemicals down into less harmful forms, thus preventing them from adversely affecting the body. In addition to this, theanine also stops the formation of free radicals that damage the cell.

An antioxidant called glutathione, which is also a detoxifier, is produced in the liver. The production of glutathione is hindered by alcohol. If this antioxidant is suppressed long enough, it ultimately results in the breakdown of the liver cells, leading to a chain of problems. Theanine removes this suppressing effect of alcohol.

Effects on Cancer
The deficiency of glutathione is a cause for concern not only to drinkers but it has also baffled oncologists. The glutathione in the body is reduced due to chemotherapy, leading to toxicity. As a result, certain drugs that may have actually helped battle cancer, are not able to be used. Research has shown that the loss of glutathione from vital organs as a result of chemotherapy can be reduced by also treating the person with theanine. In addition, it makes chemotherapy more effective in dealing with tumors as these tumors are not allowed to absorb glutathione.

Moreover, tests done on animals have shown that theanine increases the effectiveness of anti-cancer medications by helping tumors to retain the medication absorbed by them. Theanine reduces the side effects caused by anti-cancer drugs by acting as an antioxidant. Furthermore, theanine keeps healthy cells from being affected by anti-cancer drugs.

Effects on Sleep
Tea contains caffeine, but less than that found in coffee, if not equal. Theanine counters the see saw effect of coffee while allowing it to continue in its stimulating and fat burning abilities. People having trouble going to sleep find listening to music or some breathing exercises very soothing. Enough proof has been gathered from EEG reports that theanine can produce the same result, showing smoother graphs that represent a relaxed brain wave pattern.

Another research of the soothing effects of theanine was done on a controlled group who was given a daily dosage of theanine. A study of their sleep pattern revealed that although the duration of sleep was not considerably long, the sleep quality was better. The subjects woke up feeling energetic and refreshed, producing the same effect a longer duration of sleep would produce. This news is definitely going to be of great help for people with sleep difficulties.

Effects on Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
According to tests done on animals, theanine was found to lower blood pressure and inhibit LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol.

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The Miracle of the Eucharis of Lanciano

Lanciano is a small, medieval town , nestled in from the coast of the Adriatic Sea in Italy, halfway between San Giovanni Rotondo and Loreto. Everything about Lanciano smacks of the Eucharistic Miracle. Even the name of the town was changed from Anxanum (in ancient times), to Lanciano, meaning "THE LANCE."

Tradition has it that the centurion, named Longinus, who thrust the Lance into the side of Jesus, striking Him in the Tip of His Heart from which He shed blood and water, (in the Gospel account of the Crucifixion (Mk 15:29)) was from this town. After seeing the events which followed the piercing of Jesus' heart, the darkening of the sun, and the earthquake, he believed that Christ was the Savior.

A more physical sign, however, was that Longinus had had poor eyesight, and after having touched his eyes with the water and blood from the side of Jesus, his eyesight was restored. What a perfect parallel the actions of the Centurion were to the Eucharistic Miracle. He touched the Heart of Jesus, was healed, and converted. He gave up the Army, went to Cappadocia, and was martyred for the faith. He is known now as Saint Longinus. His feast day is celebrated on March 15.

The church of the Eucharistic Miracle is located in the center of the town. But what is the center of the town today was the outskirts of the town back in the Eighth Century, when the Eucharistic Miracle occurred. At the time, it was called the Church of St. Legontian and St. Domitian, and was under the custody of the Basilian Monks, of the Greek Orthodox Rite. This was prior to the Great Schism of 1054.


A Basilian monk, wise in the ways of the world, but not in the ways of faith, was having a trying time with his belief in the real presence of Our Lord Jesus in the Eucharist. He prayed constantly for relief from his doubts, and the fear that he was losing his vocation. He suffered through the routine of his priesthood day after day, with these doubts gnawing at him.

The situation in the world did not help strengthen his faith. There were many heresies cropping up all the time, which kept chipping away at his faith. They were not all from outside the church either. Brother priests and bishops were victims of these heresies, and they were being spread throughout the church. This priest, being a very intelligent person, couldn't help but be more and more convinced by the logic of these heresies, especially the one concerning his particular problem, the physical presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Human logic has always been a great enemy of the soul, when we try to understand the Divine.

One morning, while he was having a strong attack of doubt, he began the Consecration of the Mass for the people of the town. He used the same size host which is used in the Latin Rite masses today. What he beheld as he consecrated the bread and wine caused his hands to shake, indeed his whole body. He stood for a long time with his back to the people, and then slowly turned around to them.

He said: "O fortunate witnesses to whom the Blessed God, to confound my disbelief, has wished to reveal Himself in this Most Blessed Sacrament and to render Himself visible to our eyes. Come, brethren, and marvel at our God so close to us. Behold the Flesh and Blood of our most beloved Christ."

The host had turned into Flesh. The wine had turned into Blood.

The people, having witnessed the miracle for themselves, began to wail, asking for forgiveness, crying for mercy. Others began beating their breasts, confessing their sins, declaring themselves unworthy to witness such a miracle. Still others went down on their knees in respect, and thanksgiving for the gift the Lord had bestowed on them. All spread the story throughout the town, and surrounding villages.

Jesus even allowed Himself to be crucified again. After the miracle, the Host was pinned down to a wooden board, so that when it dried, it would not curl up, as scabbed flesh does. So here He was again, with nails in His Body, nailed to a piece of wood.

The miracle that occurred in 700 was just the beginning. That was 1250 years ago. Had that miracle taken place, and then the flesh and blood disintegrated, as would have been normal, the miracle would have been none the less a miracle. The priest's faith had been renewed. The entire town, the whole country for that matter, became aware of the miracle. Pilgrims flocked to Lanciano to venerate the Host turned flesh. Belief in the Eucharist had been reborn. The gift from the Lord was complete.

But that's not all. The Miracle is ongoing. The Host-turned- Flesh, and the wine-turned-Blood, without the use of any form of preservative, is still present in the reliquary. In 1574, testing was done on the Flesh and Blood. An unexplainable phenomenon was discovered with the Blood. The five pellets of coagulated Blood are different sizes and shapes. But any combination weighs the same as the total. In other words, 1 weighs the same as 2, 2 weigh the same as 3, and 3 weigh the same as 5.

From the very beginning, the local church accepted this miracle as a true sign from heaven, and venerated the Eucharistic Flesh and Blood in processions on its feast day, the last Sunday of October. The fame of the shrine spread throughout the region quickly, and soon all of Italy came to the Church in Pilgrimage.

Many writings authenticating the Eucharistic Miracle took place over the years. Because this has been such a important local miracle, the background and history of the events were carefully recorded.

There had been a manuscript written in both Greek and Latin, attesting to the Miracle. It was said to have been written and certified at the time of the Miracle. In a Chronology of the City of Lanciano, historian Fella wrote that in early 1500, two Basilian Monks came to the Church, which was now in the custody of the Franciscans, and asked to stay overnight. They also asked to see the parchment which told the story of the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. The Franciscans allowed them to study the parchment overnight.

But the next morning, the Basilian Monks left very early, before the Franciscans had awakened, and took the manuscripts with them. The motive, it was thought, was that the Basilian Monks were ashamed that one of their own had lost his faith in the Eucharist, and hoped that by stealing the original document attesting to the event, it might go away. The Church of the Miracle remained in the custody of the Monks of St. Basil, until 1176, when the Benedictines took over. However, the building had become very run down, and the Benedictines were not overly excited about taking care of it.

The Franciscans, however, did want custodianship of the Shrine. When one of their benefactors, Bishop Landulfo, was made Bishop of Chieti, he gave them the Shrine to take care of. So, in 1252, the Benedictines left, and the Franciscans took over. What they were not aware of until they actually came to Lanciano, was that the church was a disaster. They surmised that this was why the Benedictines so easily turned it over to them. In 1258, the Franciscans built a new church on the site of the original Church of St. Legontian.

In 1515, Pope Leo X made Lanciano an episcopal See, directly responsible to Rome.

In 1562, Pope Pius IV wrote a Papal Bull raising it to an Archepiscopal See.

In 1666, the Franciscans found themselves in the middle of a legal battle with what was called the "Raccomandati", or Select group of the town. Today's Italians might call them "I Superbi". They thought they were better than everyone else. The Raccomandati tried to take the church away from the Franciscans by laying claim to the ORIGINAL CHURCH of St. Legontian, upon which the Franciscan church was built.

If they had won, they would have had both churches. But the Lord intervened through the high ranking Cardinal Giannetti, of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Religious, and the Franciscans won the case. You can be sure that they immediately applied for a deed, and 18 years later, in 1684, it was granted them. During Napoleon's time, in 1809, the Franciscans were driven out of the town. But they returned in solemn triumph on June 21, 1953.

On June 25, 1672, Pope Clement X declared the altar of the Eucharistic Miracle a privileged altar on the Octave day of the deceased and on all Mondays of the year.

In 1887, the Archbishop of Lanciano, Monsignore Petarca, obtained from Pope Leo XIII, a PLENARY INDULGENCE in perpetuity to those who venerate the Eucharistic Miracle during the 8 days preceding the feast day.

The Eucharistic Miracle was placed in different locations within the Church of St. Francis over the years. At one point, in 1566, the threat of the Turks became imminent along the Adriatic Coast. It was thought that Lanciano would be an easy target for them to invade. As a matter of security, the Eucharistic Miracle was taken from its chapel, and walled up on the other side of the Church.

It got to a point, however, that the threat of the Turks became too much of a reality. On August 1 of that year, a Friar Giovanni Antonio di Mastro Renzo lost his faith, not in the Eucharist, but either in God's ability, or God's desire to save him and his little band of Franciscans from the onslaught of the Turks. Using the need to save the Eucharistic Miracle from the Infidels, he took the reliquary containing the Flesh and Blood, and himself and his friars, and fled the city. They walked all through the night. Just before dawn, Friar Giovanni felt they had put enough distance between them and the enemy, and ordered his friars to rest. As the sun came up, they found that they were back at the gates of the city.

Believing that the Lord had intervened, and that He wanted His Sacred Sign as an assurance to the people of the city of Lanciano that He had not abandoned them, the friars were filled with the Holy Spirit. They acquired the courage of lions. They vowed to remain in the Church, and protect the Eucharistic Miracle with their lives. As it turned out, the Lord kept them from harm, as well as the city of Lanciano, and the Eucharistic Miracle.

The Flesh and Blood were kept walled up until 1636, although the threat of the invading Turks had long since disappeared. At that time, the Eucharistic Miracle was transferred to the right side of the altar, encased in an iron tabernacle, behind iron doors. There were four keys to the vault, each held by different people in the town. This was called the Valsecca Chapel, in honor of the benefactor. The Miraculous Flesh and Blood were kept in this chapel until 1902. The faithful were only able to venerate the Eucharistic Miracle on special occasions, the Monday after Easter, and the last week in October, the week of the feast. The Plenary Indulgence was available to the people during the feast.

By 1902, it was determined that the Valsecca Chapel was inadequate for the Eucharistic Miracle. The people of Lanciano were hungry to be able to see Our Lord Jesus in the form of Flesh and Blood while they prayed to Him. Under the inspiration of the local bishop of Lanciano, Bishop Petrarca, a beautiful altar and new home for the Eucharistic Miracle was designed by a well known architect, Filippo Sergiacomo. That was a beautiful sign. But the real sign came from the people of Lanciano. They collected all the money needed for the new altar. During the month of the feast, five bishops from the Abruzzi region, with the Franciscans, and pilgrims from all over, solemnly dedicated the new altar.

Lanciano was selected as the site for the First Eucharistic Congress for the region of Abruzzi on September 23-25, 1921.

We bring our pilgrims to this shrine many times each year. Upon entering the church, our attention is immediately focused on the unusual altar. There are TWO TABERNACLES, rather than the traditional one. The second tabernacle is on top of the first. Continuing down the aisle toward the main altar, we see a large tablet on the wall, dating back to 1574, which tells the story of the Eucharistic Miracle.

Further on the right of the main altar is a painting of the Eucharistic Miracle. The painting opens out from the wall, revealing a set of doors, behind which is hidden an old iron tabernacle. This is the Valsecca Chapel, and was the home of the Eucharistic Miracle from 1636 until 1902, when the present altar was built.

We walk to the back of the main altar, where there is a stairway leading up to the second tabernacle, to the Eucharistic Miracle. A priest from the church dresses in vestments worn for the celebration of Holy Mass, and leads us to the top of the stairway. The Monstrance and the Miracle are before our eyes. We are allowed to ascend in groups of five. The priest puts a flashlight in back of the Host turned Flesh. This is an actual heart muscle. With the light in the background, the fibers of the heart can be seen. The chalice which holds the Blood is believed to be the same one into which the Blood was placed after the miracle, and possibly the actual chalice which was used for the Mass when the Miracle took place. The Host has turned light brown over the years. When the priest puts the light in back of It, It appears rose colored. The Blood gives off an ochre appearance.


All questions and doubts about the physical presence of Jesus in the Eucharist become a matter of rhetoric when you are privileged to witness those who have seen the miracle. They decend the steps in tears. Many go down on their knees at the sight of the miracle. What had possibly been curious, doubting Thomases become dumbfounded, awestruck believers. They go back to their pews and just sit there, silent, weeping, praying. One priest who went with us to Lanciano in 1983 wrote to us, "I can never raise the host or wine in Consecration again, without seeing my Lord's very Heart between my fingers, His Blood alive in the Chalice before me."


On one occasion, after the priest had shown all our pilgrims the Eucharistic Miracle, he came down to the foot of the altar, and made the following observation:


How many tests have been made over the years, how many times Our Dear Lord Jesus allows Himself to be prodded and cut, examined under microscopes, and photographed. The most recent, an extensive scientific research done in 1970, used the most modern scientific tools available. The results of the tests are as follows:

- the flesh is real flesh. The blood is real blood.
- the flesh consists of the muscular tissue of the heart (myocardium)
- the flesh and blood belong to the human species.
- the flesh and blood have the same blood type (ab)
- in the blood, there were found proteins in the same normal proportions as are found in the sero-proteic make up of fresh, normal blood.
- in the blood, there were also found these minerals: chlorides, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium.
- the preservation of the flesh and of the blood, which were left in their natural state for twelve centuries (without any chemical preservatives) and exposed to the action of atmospheric and biological agents, remains an extraordinary phenomenon.

As part of this most recent investigations, the following comment was made:

"Though it is alien to my task strictly speaking, I feel I should insert the following reflection into the study just completed: the clarification, which comes through in these studies, of the nature of the flesh gives little support to the hypothesis of a "fraud" perpetrated centuries ago. As a matter of fact supposing that the heart may have been taken from a cadaver, I maintain that only a hand experienced in anatomic dissection would have been able to obtain from a hollow internal organ such a uniform cut (as can still be glimpsed in the flesh)"

What the doctor, a scientist, not a theologian, is saying in simple language is that, although it's not his task to speculate, it would have been difficult, next to impossible for anyone to have cut a slice of the heart in the way that it was done. He also states that it's highly doubtful that there was any fraud involved.

Another unusual characteristic of the blood is that when liquefied, it has retained the chemical properties of freshly shed blood. When we cut ourselves, and stain our clothes, the chemical properties of the blood are gone within 20 minutes to a half hour. If blood is not refrigerated within an hour maximum, the composition of blood rapidly breaks down. If blood were taken from a dead body, it would lose its qualities quickly through decay. This blood is over 1250 years old, and still contains all its properties, chemicals and protein of freshly shed blood. And yet in the testing, it was determined that NO PRESERVATIVES OF ANY KIND were found in the blood.

Jesus gives us His Heart again in the Eucharistic Miracle, which is a Heart muscle. He gives us His Blood again in this Miraculous form to heal us. He gives us His Blood with His Body in the Eucharist every day to heal us, and nourish us. There are instances in history, which we'll explore in this book, where people lived for years on no other nourishment than the Eucharist.

He who feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has life eternal, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is real food, and my blood real drink. John 6:54-56

We believe that the most perfect form of love is the Eucharistic Love of Jesus. In the Miracle of Lanciano, He loves us by revealing His very Heart and His very Blood. It helps us to understand the sacrifice of our Perfect Lamb, Jesus, in the Holy Mass. How much do I love you? Here is my Heart? How much do I love you? Here is my blood, being shed for you.

Each day during the Mass, Jesus, completely vulnerable, offers us His very heart, for us to accept or reject. We become part of the Incarnation again. God, one with man - God becoming man. As Mary carried Jesus below her heart, we too are allowed to carry now Jesus' very Heart, His Body, His Love in our heart. And we are never the same.


In 1978, a group of scientists from NASA performed an intensive examination on the Shroud of Turin, using all the sophisticated scientific equipment available to our Space Agency at that time. Among the many findings the scientists made in support of the authenticity of the Shroud, a very significant discovery was found regarding the blood type on the Shroud. It was AB POSITIVE, the same blood type as found in the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. More and more, science has verified what we have believed in Faith for centuries.

Bob Lord has teamed up with Penny Lord and they have written many books about the Catholic Faith. They have been evangelizing since 1975.
Their website is Get your free copy of their newsletter at

The Miracle of Splenda - It's a Gas!

Has anyone else tried that sugar substitute called "Splenda?"

My wife, Roxanne, read about it, and with me being on a diet for the past few weeks, she decided to buy some for me. I've had it twice now, once a couple teaspoons on a bowl of Grapenuts, and another time as the sweetener in some so-called dietetic ice cream.

Let me tell you something, folks, calling the results of eating Splenda "having gas" is like calling the Space Shuttle an airplane. (Well, it would be like calling it an airplane if the damn thing could fly.) It's like calling a stick of dynamite a "partypopper." (No, wait. In the crowd I party with, dynamite is the partypopper of choice.) OK, fitting comparison escapes me. Let's get down to the issues.

Although I suspected Splenda the first time it happened, I didn't have enough empirical data then to blame the artificial sweetener. The second time, however, removed all doubts, as well as most of the wallpaper. I sat on the couch and blew holes in the cushions. I cleaned all the dustbunnies out from under the sofas and beds, in my own house as well as the one next door, and I blasted the doors right off their hinges in the living room.

My home lifted off its foundation, like Dorothy's in The Wizard of Oz. I could have stuck a fan out the back door and a trumpet up my butt and flown my house to Dallas, playing a rendition of The Lonely Bull that would have made Herb Alpert eat his own heart.

Smoke alarms were going off six houses down, windows rattled the next county over, and strange lights can still be seen in the sky over most of North Arkansas. Roxanne went around turning off all the pilot lights and electrical appliances in the house, for safety reasons. Some guy downtown lit a cigar and his head exploded, burning down the hardware store, the flower shop, and the newspaper office (which is probably why you haven't read about this before now.)

My bottle of Beano melted in the medicine cabinet like the nuclear core at Chernobyl. Average global temperatures warmed four degrees, the polar ice cap broke into several pieces and floated south, and ocean levels rose three inches. Under some mountain in Montana, lights flashed, alarms sounded, and the nation went to Defcon Three. When paratroopers landed to cordon off and quarantine our little town, the lame excuse they used was "anthrax." We know better, don't we?

Sugar, my dog, is no longer my best friend -- I no longer have a best friend, or any friends at all, for that matter. I'll have to have the roof re-shingled, and most of the siding replaced. Everything in the garden is dead, dead, dead.

Now, I've eaten beans and I've eaten cabbage and I've even chased it all down with sour beer, but I've never been turned into an actual human wind tunnel like happened with Splenda. So being the curious sort, now I'd like to know: Is it just me and my particular metabolism?

For experimental purposes, I think you all should try it. Eat some Splenda, then we can take a survey. (For that matter, I think you all should try it anyway, survey or not, just so you can brag about the survival experience. I'll make T-shirts to sell, and later, much later, we will all have a big laugh.)

Meanwhile, looks like I gotta go. There's some guys at the door flashing Homeland Security credentials.

A sidebar on the Splenda story:

My daughter, Trista, called a few days after our granddaughter, Jaden, had returned to her home from visiting with us for about a month. She told me that she had been giving the 3-year-old a bath when the little scamp pooted in the tub, blowing bubbles in the bathwater.

She looked up at her mom with a rascally smile and a twinkle in her eye, and stated matter-of-factly, "Doggy did that."

"Now where did she get that, Dad?" my daughter demanded to know, "We don't even have a dog."

Ted Thomnpson is a Freelance Writer living in Harrison, Arkansas. You can see more of his works at

The Miracle UMF Manuka Honey

What is UMF Manuka Honey?

Unique Manuka Factor or commonly known as UMF is the only worldwide standard in identifying and measuring the antibacterial strength or quality of some strains of Manuka. It is a guarantee that the honey being sold has the special UMF antibacterial property and a UMF rating of 10 is the minimum recognised. Ordinary manuka has only the hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property which is common to most types of honey, whereas UMF Manuka has both the natural hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property and its own natural UMF antibacterial property, giving it increased antibacterial potency. The UMF property is very stable, unlike the hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property common in most honey which is easily destroyed by heat, light as well as certain enzymes in body serum.

UMF Manuka is the preferred honey for wound dressing and other special therapeutic uses and studies are showing Manuka with high levels of UMF could be very effective in helping relieve stomach ulcer symptoms and gastritis, and sore throats, and when applied topically, in assisting the natural healing of skin ulcers, wounds, burns, boils, cracked skin. That is also why many skincare products also contain UMF manuka as a special ingredient and promise positive benefits from their regular application on the skin.

UMF is not in the nectar of all Manuka flowers, which are known as Leptospermum scoparium and belong to the the Tea Tree bushes found only in New Zealand’s costal areas. Some Manuka bushes do not produce honey with the UMF property every year, and the concentrations of UMF can vary from batch to batch and year to year. The reason why only some Manuka honeys have the unique UMF antibacterial property is not yet known. It could be from a subspecies of Manuka or due to some environmental factor such as soil type. In the shop, you will find the varying UMF strengths - UMF 10, UMF 15, UMF 20, UMF 25, and the higher the UMF, the more expensive is the honey. All genuine UMF manuka honeys are packed into jars and labelled with a registered trademark UMF® in New Zealand by licensed companies, and have a rating of UMF 10 or more. These licensed users of the UMF® label have to meet standards of regular monitoring and auditing of their honey quality. So if you come across an UMF honey which is packed in another country other than New Zealand, or a jar which labelled UMF 8, you should know something is amiss.

Another reason why Manuka honey, which is available in most Kiwi homes, is favoured by so many honey fans is that it has a higher than normal conductivity, which is an indirect measurement of mineral content of a honey -- about 4 times that of normal flower honeys. I particularly love the taste of Manuka honey - it has a lot of depth and a unique unforgetable foresty aroma stands out amongst the honey varieties. I often find myself mixing a tablespoon of the honey with warm water or hot tea whenever I experience sore throat, cough, cold or flu symptoms, or when feel "heatiness" in my body. Now, the honey shops here (in Singapore) also sell New Zealand made Manuka honey lozenges for soothing the throat. I paid about 9 Sing dollars (about 6 US dollars) for a pack of 20 such honey drops with UMF 20+ and propolis which contained very high level of bioflavonoids. Its ant-inflammatory properties worked perfect in curing my phelmy throat and it was delicious despite that it tasted a bit bitter due to the propolis, and it gave me a slight numbing effect on my tongue as I sucked it.

Source: is a honey resource community specially built for all the honey lovers and fans in this world. This site is packed with rich quality information on honey based on our knowledge and experience with honey, so as to promote its invaluable benefits which वे believe could bring many positive spin-offs in your everyday life and to your family and friends.

Phosphacore - The Miracle Fat-Burning Herb Supplement

There is a fierce battle out there for the most effective fat-burning supplement. Each brand promises quick fat burning solutions and tries to convince consumers that they are the best in the industry. Among the newcomers is an herb supplement that promises anything but false miracle - Phosphacore. Let us see if it can hold against other established brands. Here are the claims of this product:

Lose up to 1/5 of your body fat - We've all heard this before but this product, which originated from Africa, takes it to another level. One-fifth of the body is somewhere around 25 pounds in every 2 weeks, now that's something off the charts. So how does this brand do it? The manufacturers claim that the effects of Phosphacore are not limited to the symptoms of the problem alone; the effects work on the causes themselves. Simply put, this product tries to reduce both the number and the size of the lipid cells inside the human body, thus the effective weight loss.

Bye bye belly fat - The manufacturers claim that this product can help someone lose one inch of stomach size without having to undergo drastic diet changes. This claim is supported by the evidence produced by Uppsala University in Sweden in one study on men and women who were administered this diet supplement.

Firms up stubborn cellulite - The cellulite on the stomach and the legs are easily resolved by this product by constantly removing the pockets of fats from all parts of the body.

It turns out, the claims behind Phosphacore hold some water. If the studies by various institutions will be made as reference, one can arrive at a reasonable conclusion that this miracle fat-burning supplement does not only give away promises to people who are hoping to lose their stubborn fats, but it actually delivers the promise no strings attached.

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The Miracle of St Joseph

In June of 2007, I placed my home and the office of Sacred Spaces in Anacortes WA up for sale. One of my friends reminded me about the legend of St. Joseph assisting in the sale of homes. According to tradition, you bury a statue of St. Joseph upside down in your home's yard, pray to St. Joseph for 7 days and your home will be sold immediately.

Not wanting to leave any stone unturned in this sale process, I followed instructions with one exception. May 9th I had broken my ankle. Being still mostly immobile, I asked my beloved Philip if he would plant St. Joseph for me while I watched and prayed. He did so, burying a recently purchased statue upside down facing the house in the backyard. The middle of a triangle-shaped flower bed (remember the Trinity?) seemed the perfect place for St. Joseph to do his work.

The weeks and months passed. The housing market plummeted. We did everything the real estate agent asked us to do with regard to painting, sprucing up and staging. Everything about the house "looked" exactly as it should for a fast sale. Nothing happened; not even a nibble.

As January 2008 rolled around and the financial future of the United States continued to look bleak, Philip mentioned that perhaps the reason the St. Joseph statue didn't work was because he had been the one to do the burying. After all, the house belonged to me and, as the owner, I should have been the one to bury St. Joseph, broken ankle or not. I agreed with him and took the ferry from Lopez Island to Anacortes the very next day in order to move St. Joseph and bury him with my own hands.

It was a rainy, windy, and cold winter day when I arrived at my past home and office. I was determined that the weather would not stop me from my appointed duty. Selling my home was an important step in the expansion of Sacred Spaces (and also in the evolution of my personal life). I was not to be deterred.

Standing out in the pouring rain, I dug into the flower bed where I remembered Philip burying the statue. I dug and dug. There was no statue. I made the hole bigger, disrupting even more of the flower bed; still no statue. I dug deeper and larger. St. Joseph was not to be found in the triangle. He had left either by etheric slippage (as I like to call it) or via one of the moles that inhabit the backyard from time to time. (Imagine a St. Joseph shrine under the earth in a little mole hole if you would.) No wonder St. Joseph wasn't selling the house, he wasn't there!

Immediately I got in the car and drove downtown to purchase another statue. Fortunately, the local Christian bookstore was still selling "St. Joseph Helps to Sell Your House" kits complete with statue and prayer card. Driving back to the house through the pouring rain, my determination soared. Now there was a reason for the lack of buyers. St. Joseph had not let me down. He simply needed another chance.

Burying the statue next to the "For Sale" sign felt the perfect place for it this time. I dug a hole and put St. Joseph in head down facing the house. He barely fit in the hole. I spaded out more dirt and tried again. Still, the feet of the statue were even with the top of the hole. I made the hole deeper and bigger. St. Joseph kept his feet at the opening of the hole no matter how deep I dug as if he didn't want to be buried too deep. I acquiesced knowing that he knew much better than I how he wanted to do his work. Covering the statue with dirt and replacing the beauty bark, I wiped the mud off my soaking wet hands and said my prayer. Within the hour, I triumphantly boarded the WA state ferry back to Lopez Island.

The next day I received a call from my real estate broker telling me that we had an offer on the house for nearly the asking price. While in the process of completing my counter-offer (and having it accepted), she called again the next day and told me we had another offer if the first one fell through. For the next few hours, I was busy faxing and signing agreements securing the sale of my home and office to one of two parties.

St. Joseph did his work. He wanted me, as the owner of the house, to bury him with my energy. It was a wonderful lesson in the power of intention. Our frequencies are so important in all that we do. This was a vivid example of how we create with our energy.

Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich, Ph.D. is a visionary, weaver of grace, quantum physicist and multidimensional traveler. She is the owner of Sacred Spaces in the beautiful San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State where she conducts personal sessions, retreats and etheric readings for all those drawn to the authentic Self. First and foremost, Toni challenges you to face the fears that are keeping you from living life. She is the author of The Call - Awakening the Angelic Human and its accompanying CD, DNA Re-Awakening. She does long distance healing, spiritual counseling, soul readings, light orb readings and chakra readings by appointment. For more information regarding Toni's work or to contact her by telephone or email, please see her websites: and

The Miracle of Touch to Help You Relax

Do you know how soothing and comforting touch can be? Of course you do! You have experienced it yourself so many times through your life. When you're depressed or miserable, doesn't the touch of a child's hand or the weight of a baby in your arms ease the unpleasantness? Touch can perk you up; dissipating the effects of stress and making your mind and body relax and feel better.

Some people are particularly benefited by touch. Consider elderly people living on their own or in an institution - touch delights them, and makes them feel part of humanity. With no one from their own families to see and interact with on a daily basis, these older people are so glad when they feel the touch of a friendly hand, since all they get to feel nowadays is the occasional clinical or functional touch from a nurse or helper.

Touch certainly eases pressure and improves one's mood, and remarkably, it can have a healing effect, too. For instance, the cool hand of a mother soothes a fevered brow and the loving touch of a wife allows healing tears to flow.

When a person whose job entails a lot of work at a computer is rubbed gently on the back or neck, it is instantly soothing. Stress eases away at once at that massaging touch.

Suppose you are arguing with someone in the family when your child suddenly gives you a hug or even just touches you lightly. It's hard to carry on the argument after that because it's difficult to sustain your annoyance when you have just been lovingly touched.

People who have pets also experience the relaxing effects of touch when they pat and hold their animals. When you get home after a rotten day, being greeted by a delighted dog is a mood lifter in itself. You start to unwind immediately.

It is undeniable that humans need the physical pleasure of a touch. It doesn't matter whether you're being hugged by your wife, son, brother or buddy, a hug or any affectionate touch will instantly make you feel better and look at the world with brighter eyes. Even hugging yourself makes you feel good, more relaxed and calm.

Take your kids to a petting zoo and see how much they love stroking and cuddling the creatures there. As they play with the various animals, they will delight in the feel of their different skins and pelts, full of interesting textures and appearances.

The human touch can ease tension, calm emotions, heal pain and comfort in times of trouble. A touch can be amatory, or even the kind of touch that makes people feel better about themselves and be ready to share their thoughts.

A cantankerous old gentleman will brighten at the touch of a child's hand in his; a mother's hand can caress a troubled child to sleep; a friendly touch can invite confidences; a pat on the back from a buddy can help a disappointed student get over failure; a sister's hug can ease the pain of grief ... touch truly does wonders.

Kim Archer writes about women's wellness. She is publisher of The Internet Spa, where you'll find up-to-date information to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.

The Miracle of Self-Help Through Yoga Practice

Can Yoga make miracles happen? Can we make miracles happen? How often do you hear people hope or wish for a miracle? Many people perform wishful thinking, but how much action do they put into their wishes? Let's look deeper into our daily Yoga practice, in order to recognize miracles - whether they are big or small.

When we sit down to meditate, it does not have to be a chore. There are many forms of meditation. One of them is through mindful self-reflection. This is not a time for self-destructive criticism, but for objective observation. When we take the time to observe without judgment, it becomes easier to see, and appreciate, the many miracles that take place each day.

Observe the impact you have made on others. Have you made someone smile? Have you encouraged someone to pursue their hopes and dreams? Have you made success possible through transferring positive feelings toward them? These may seem like small matters, but karma is a chain of small matters, which are a result of initial action that "set the wheels of motion" into a concerted action.

Many people are not aware of how much good they do for others, until the results of initial action become apparent. Consider this: Yoga, in all of its forms, is designed to end or reduce suffering. This may not seem to be a miracle, but it makes a big difference to someone who is in extreme pain. If you have pain from sciatica, all you can think about is pain. Yet, if you visit a Yoga teacher, or therapist, and as a result your pain goes away, it would seem like a miracle.

Pain, suffering, or being handicapped can bring about emotions, such as anger, depression, helplessness, self- doubt, and many more negative feelings. Any physical problem can challenge your mental and emotional ability to cope with it. Worse yet, our spiritual health can become challenged. It is still common, for those who suffer, to blame God.

In the past, our ancestors sacrificed each other to various Gods in order to end suffering. At this point in time, we consider ourselves civilized, in comparison to our ancestors; but when suffering is overwhelming, it becomes easier to take rational thought and "toss it out the window."

We are still human, and unbalanced, emotional health can take a toll on anyone. Yoga is a system, which allows one to train the mind for those times, when we are challenged by life's struggles. This is the daily miracle of Yoga practice.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

I Create a Miracle Every Morning

I create a miracle every morning when I wake up and find out I'm still alive. I thank God for making this coming day the best day of my life. This attitude of gratitude sends positive vibes throughout the universe and the universe respond back all day by showing me many reasons why I was thankful for when I woke up.

I don't say everything goes exactly as I planned all the time. Most of the times it goes just the opposite or in a way I never thought about! It doesn't matter to me. The miracle I create is in the way I choose to see things. I choose to view the bright side of everything first. We all have the choice, so why a human being with all his mind would choose to see the negative side only? Many people do, but it still remains a mystery to me!

Choose to make a miracle in your life today by changing the perception you have about events occurring in your life. Make the best out of what life brings to your plate. Smile, express gratitude, celebrate your victories and achievements. This will make things in motion to create more good for you. It is a never ending wheel! What you focus on, you create it or expand it. Focus on the best, forget the rest!

Improve your life by progressively changing nasty habits and ways of thinking. Find out what makes you really feel great. Is it listening to a song will you take a walk in the park or watching a funny movie? Just do it more often. Try to insert something positive in your chores to ease things. Theses are only a few suggestions to make your own miracle life happen.

Do you want to manifest your desires and attract wealth? Click on the link to visit my blog: I review the techniques that helped me understand how to make miracles happen with the law of attraction. To learn about the power of vision boards and mind movies, click here:

Hemorrhoid Miracle Review - Does the H Miracle System Work?

H Miracle analyses the whole problem of hemorrhoids, both cause and effect. It holds no punches in analysing the root causes of the problem and what has to be done in order to remove both the symptoms and what is causing the hemorrhoids to form in the first place.

Product Description.
The H Miracle system is a fully down-loadable online program for the natural treatment and eradication of hemorrhoids. It utilizes only natural products that have no unpleasant side-effects.

The Authoress.
Holly Hayden did all the research for the book as she tried to find a permanent cure for her own condition of chronic hemorrhoids. The book is therefore written from the unique prospective and concern of a fellow sufferer. Her patients well-being is at the forefront of all that she does, right down to a personal online help desk that will give advice and answer any queries about the treatment.

What you get for your money.
The main product is the downloadable e-book, along with illustrations, charts and audio lessons. There are detailed remedies that will help shrink and cure existing hemorrhoids,along with sections on prevention. There is also a selection of bonus e-books on allergies and alternative remedies.

The Cost.
The H Miracle system starts at $37.00. There is an audio version as well.

* 60 days no-quibble money back guarantee.
* Online 24/7 help desk.

The simplicity of the program is its real strength. There is nothing complicated about the remedies atall. Many of them use normal household ingredients that you can either get at your local store or already have in your own house. Any additional materials are relatively inexpensive.

The word 'miracle' is a bold statement to make & not one that I would have personally used. However, when you analyze the amazing remedies and the testimonials of extremely happy individuals who have rid themselves of this embarrassing complaint after years of being unable to do so, one can forgive the author for the title she used!

Do I recommend it?
This book and the treatments contained within it are an absolute mine of information. It is a beacon of hope for all those sufferers who had given up ever thinking they could cure their hemorrhoids permanently and without side-effects using the H Miracle system.

It is also worth mentioning that H Miracle has an astounding 96% success rate!

I hope the above points have been of help to you.

I have read the entire course myself and posted a fully comprehensive Review of it on my Blog. This should help you to make a considered evaluation of both the book and the treatments.

For the in-depth Review Click here:

Anthony Clive Palmer has had a life-long interest in curing ailments using only natural remedies. He believes that every illness has a cause, and once you have found the cause, if you treat the condition properly the effects will disappear completely as a matter of course. He lives in the South-East of England.

The Miracle Of Touch On Memory, Concentration, Survival And Stress

For hundreds of years, we have known that touch is not only a sensation that can be enjoyed, but it is also absolutely necessary for our survival. It was German emperor Frederick II who, through his cruel experiments back in the 13th century, discovered the human need for body contact. He devised experiments which involved a group of orphans who were separated from others in an orphanage. This group’s only contact was with the foster mother and wet nurses who bathed or nursed them. However, the women were neither allowed to speak nor show any affection to the children under their charge. The conclusion of this experiment was horrific - none of the children survived.

Touches are important, it is a means of creating relationships. As a matter of fact, humans cannot do without touch, it is just as important as food and water. Children and adults alike need hugs to give them a sense of security and safety. Kisses or even a squeeze of a hand give helps us express intimacy. There are many ways we express our social bonds through touch, a business-like handshake builds rapport and trust, a friendly pat on the back for a colleague or teammate give a sense of self-worth. Different cultures from around the world have different rituals concerning touch in their social settings. The Eskimos and the Maori people of New Zealand, for example, rub noses as a form of greeting. The Ipo of New Guinea tickle the chin, the equivalent of a handshake for the rest of us. Hugs, embraces and body contact promote health and well-being and psychologists agree that touch is an important aspect of human existence. The human skin is extremely sensitive to touch. There are close to 700 touch and pressure receptors on a single finger tip. These receptors help us feel minute irregularities of the skin as tiny as a 100th of a millimeter thick. This is as accurate as state of the art laser measuring instruments.

Today, scientists are beginning to find out how skin contact, massage or stroking affects the body and mind. Certain hormones are released when the sensory cells are touched in a mild and pleasant manner. Growth hormones are produced by young mammals when they are licked, cleaned and nudged by their mothers. Medical researchers have found that premature human babies breathe more deeply when they lie naked on their mother’s or father’s bellies for hours. The infant’s heartbeat may even slow down and can be a life-saver for the premature baby. Medical studies also confirm the calming and healthy aspect of massages. Newborn babies gain weight more quickly, have deeper sleep are less stressed and are more active.

Touch not only feels good but it enhances health and mental capability. A study on a group of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease show a combination of massage and electrical stimulation of the skin over a period of six weeks led to a dramatic improvement in both memory and mood. Other studies have concluded that healthy adults also benefit from just 15 minutes of massage per day. Test volunteers were able to solve mathematical problems faster and make fewer mistakes, as well as reporting that they felt calmer. Scientists believe oxytocin to be one of the hormones released, which produces a series of chain reaction opposite to the effects stress produces on the body. This leads to higher pain tolerance, lower blood pressure and more beneficial stimulation of the digestive system.

So if you’re having stress at work, studies or having difficulties with memory and concentration due to stress, give yourself a massage on the shoulders or the head. If you know of someone in the family having such problems, a 5-minute shoulder or head rub goes a very long way to a healthier and stronger emotional and physical state. It also goes a long way towards creating trust and bonds.

Martin Mak has developed a new program to help you improve your memory and enhance your learning experience. Find out more with his popular and free ecourse. =>

The Miracle Tree

What would you say if I told you there was a tree with seeds that purify water, green leaves more nutritious than spinach, tasty (also nutritious) edible pods, several other parts that work as medicines, and it thrives in some brutal climates.

I know what you'd say. "Cool! Just don't make me eat the leaves."

No, what you'd probably say is, "Wow - I want one!" At least that's what I said, along with, "If this is real, why haven't I heard about it before?"

Well, it's real all right, and it's called The Drumstick Tree. In fact there are millions of them, probably just not in your yard. It also works as insecticide, fungicide and can be used to make lubricant and bio fuel. It has innumerable other uses, and in ancient medicine was believed to prevent over 300 diseases. (The leaves alone have 7 times the vitamin C of Oranges, 4 times the vitamin A of carrots, 4 times the calcium of milk, 3 times the potassium of bananas, and twice the protein of yogurt.)

"Okay," you're saying, "so if all this is true, it's occurring to me that maybe this would be a good thing for, like, really poor people."

Ah, grasshopper, I see awareness dawning.

An American businessman, originally from India, had this same thought. Once he found out about the miracle tree, he realized he could use these trees to help the poorest of the poor. He would teach them how to plant, grow, and harvest these trees so they could become self-sufficient. He would use these trees to enable them to build schools and gain knowledge. They could come to feel a sense of empowerment in their lives. By giving them the dignity to help themselves, he would give them hope.

And Trees For Life was born.

All this was 25 years ago. Since then, Balbir Mathur, his wife Treva, and their small staff of dedicated volunteers have enabled millions of Drumstick trees to be planted in poor communities all around the world.

But that's only the beginning. They developed ways to distribute fuel efficient cook stoves that save old trees from burning and human lives from smoke pollution. They help villagers plant native fruit trees that not only feed them, but provide shade and prevent soil erosion. They created educational models where children living in poverty receive a quality, modern education comparable to that offered at the best schools. Their newest program, Books For Life, finds creative ways to get native-language storybooks and textbooks into the hands of children who have never seen a book.

When Trees for life shows people they have unlimited potential, they believe it. They see that when a few people lock their minds as one, something extraordinary takes place.

There's much more, but it all started with one amazing tree. The scientific name for the drumstick tree is Moringa. Those tasty edible pods I mentioned before, they look like drumsticks. (Don't think "chickens," think "percussion instrument.") You'll be fascinated by it's uses and potential at the Trees For Life website. I suggest starting with the 4 minute video.

© 2009 Greg Tamblyn

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A Miracle Called Life

Life to me just like any average person was just another day of mundane activities, just another timetable to be fulfilled. Days passed in my life just as every other day, waking, working, eating sleeping. So engrossed was I with my routine that it became my life, it enveloped my being and made me totally indifferent. Not that it was absolutely as gray as it seems, there was the occasional entertainment, a little reading, a little chit chat - all that makes up a normal usual life.

I went on and on with it until one day there arrived a wonderful little angel into my life.

The Angel suddenly opened my eyes to a totally different world. Showed me the wonderful world I live in and most of all cleared my thoughts to see clearly that the world is no longer gray but colourful and wonderful. Planted hope, shattered my indifference and wanted me to live life a 100 percent. I call this little angel 'Rayhaan', my wee little boy.

As I nourish and protect this fragile being, I get to learn more and more about myself. I fully understand what a miracle life is and how little we ever appreciate it. He showed me the path to happiness in every small thing that he plays with. He inspires me to appreciate life with all its different shades. He reminds me that I too would have brought in this happiness into my parents life just as he does to me. He reminds me that it is no easy joke giving birth and bringing up a new life. He reminds me of the innumerable sacrifices, the tiring days and sleepless nights every parent spends to bring up their off spring. Yet irrespective of all this how we as adults belittle life.

How indifferent we tend to be. News of loses of innumerable lives everyday pricks me more deeply now then ever before. Being destructive is very easy, man can do that in no time. But it takes lots of effort and of course the hand of the divine to bring life and to cherish it. These thoughts that never occurred to me before turned my life around. As I aspire to provide the best of everything and dream of the best possible life for my little angel, I constantly am reminded of my parents. Have I been fair to the miracle of life that they gave me? If life is as precious as it seems now to me why did I waste these many years drifting along not making anything out of it? Every human being has to answer this question- lots of effort and sacrifice has gone into your making- have you done it fair? have you tried to be something worthwhile? Its our duty to our parents and to the divine parent who breathed life into us. We should make our life worth remembering.

Please do visit me at for more to read.

I am Najma, engineer by profession,writer by passion.I love people and i want to help them with words of comfort during this tough economic conditions. As i proceed through life trying to make the most of it i want to take as many people as I can with me in this journey. Because i believe happiness multiplies as u share it. Its not that I'm perfect to write whatever, I'm blogging whatever I'm trying to follow. I honestly believe if we help people attain the right mind-set and confidence, they will help themselves and achieve their dreams.

Is Spirulina the Future Miracle Food?

Is Spirulina the future miracle food that can possibly provide amazing amounts of protein, or was it the miracle food that was known as manna in the Bible? Could it possible that it is the same and we are just now discovering its many wonderful benefits.

While the protein, vitamin, and mineral content of this potential miracle food is almost beyond comparison, this very small organism could very possibly be more important because of its richness in enzymatic pigments more than any other quality. These pigments are important to life and without them the enzymes in the body could not balance metabolism.

There are three critical pigments in Spirulina; Chlorophyll, Phycocyanin, and Porphyrin. Chlorophyll is the most visible of the three and is the pigment that releases ions when energized by sunlight. It is almost identical in nature to hemoglobin in the human body and is often referred to as green blood in plant life.

Phycocyanin is the pigment that gives this miracle food its blue tint and is very closely related to the human pigment known as bilrubin which helps in the digestive process of amino acids and is very important in keep the liver healthy and functioning properly.

Porphyrin is the pigment that gives Spirulina its reddish tint and closely resembles the molecule found in Vitamin B12 and is critical in forming red blood cells.

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is an alga that is perhaps one of the simplest forms of life. It is not a plant and is considered above plants as it does not have the hard cellulose membranes that is present in the cells of plants, or does it have a nuclease that is defined. However, its system is based on photosynthesis as it utilizes both sunlight and chlorophyll.

It is basically caught between the plant and animal kingdom. It is a one celled form of algae that grows and thrives in warm fresh water that is rich in alkaline. It has the unique ability to synthesize a very high quality of concentrated food more than any other algae that exists, and it is almost as pure in protein as anything that exists, containing over 70 percent pure protein.

It is also an almost perfect balance of amino acids and has a photosynthesis conversion rate of almost 10 percent. In a perfect environment for example, soybeans are only slightly above 3 percent. It is also the one of the only plant sources of vitamin B12 which is found primarily in the tissues of animals.

It is somewhat related to kelp, but it is not a sea algae. It thrives in fresh water, especially very warm water and can survive temperatures as high as 140 degrees. In desert environments it can grow on the rocks and survive the hottest places on earth with temperatures above 160 degrees. It is an amazing creation.


Although it is extremely rich in proteins it also contains eight essential amino acids that are essential for intelligence development, stimulating brain functions, strengthening mental capacity, building the circulatory system, as well as fat and lipid metabolism. It also assists the thyroid gland in the metabolic rate, improves digestion, and helps to stimulate muscle coordination.

Spirulina also contains 12 non essential amino acids that strengthens cellular walls, transforms carbohydrates into energy, detoxifies the blood, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and promotes both energy and oxygen usage in the cells. It also helps to slow the aging process.

However, it does not stop there. Because of the type of water that it thrives in, these waters are naturally rich in minerals that no other type of plant can survive in. Because of this ability it naturally absorbs these rich mineral contents of this alkaline water.

There is a huge misconception that bathing in mineral rich waters is a tremendous boost to your health. However, the body can not ingest these large mineral properties because it simply does not know how to deal with this form of an incomplete mineral onslaught.

If fact, just the opposite occurs where these inorganic minerals actually block any type of organic form of mineral in the body and can actually cause a deficiency instead of being a real benefit.

However, Spirulina prevents this process from reversing as it helps to breakdown the minerals which make them very easily absorbed into the body and actually helps in the proper distribution process in directing them where they are most needed.

This miracle food also contains several vitamin including Vitamin B6, B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Folic Acid, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamine, and Vitamin E. There is virtually no other form of any one source that contains both these amounts of vitamins as well as minerals.

However, it still does not stop there as it is also very rich in Carotenoids, which are critical in the synthesizing of Vitamin A. The properties of Spirulina allow this vitamin, which is a fat soluble vitamin, to be released only as needed by the body.

Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and can be toxic if the levels are too high, but this miracle food somehow understands this and releases only what is needed.

But perhaps it strongest quality is its ability to positively affect anemia and its ability to convert chlorophyll into hemoglobin. Combined with the B12 content that is unique to this algae as well as the folic acid, it becomes even more remarkable.

With all of the amazing qualities that this miracle food possesses, it would only make sense that it is loaded full of fats, starch, and calories. But again it amazes the medical community as it has only seven percent lipid in fat content and it contains very little sugar or starch. The sugar content that it does have provides the body with a high energy surge without pushing the pancreases and risking hypoglycemia. The calorie content is even more amazing as a 500 gram tablet only contains two calories.


This amazing food source that is somewhere between the plant and the animal kingdom is bursting into the spotlight as the miracle food for the future. The qualities that it contains can not be found in anything else that exists.

This could truly be the mythical manna that existed in the desert and grew in fresh water over two thousand years ago. It is that amazing and it fits all of the descriptions.

I am an avid lover of pets and my wife and I have had several pets throughout our years. We are especially fond of dogs, and we have a 12 year old Dalmatian (our 3rd) and a "mutt" that we rescued when someone threw him away to die in a vacant field. He found us, nearly starved to death, and weighed about 2 pounds. After severe bouts of mange and severe dehydration, and over 1,000.00 in veterinarian bills, we saved the little guys life, and he is one of the best, if not the best, dogs we have ever had and today is a muscular, fit, and firm 70 pound best friend.

After finishing my MBA, which at middle age was not easy, I decided to keep the research work ethics that I acquired, and devote about two hours each night in understanding the health benefits of supplementation for both humans and pets and how they might strengthen our, as well as our pets, immune system in a pre-emptive approach to health rather than a reactionary approach. Both of my daughters are avid cat lovers, and asked me to help them with health concerns and challenges with their cats. I am not a veterinarian nor claim to be, just a lover of pets that loves to research and pass on some knowledge that might be helpful, or at least stimulating to the thought process.

Several of the articles that I have written can be found on my website:

Liquid Vitamins & Minerals for Humans & Pets -

How to Manifest a Miracle in Your Life Now

A miracle is defined as something not occurring by natural law: A manifestation not equal to the cause. For example, a person is involved in a car wreck that leaves the car completely demolished. The person is able to walk away without a scratch. By all means, it can't be explained. It's considered a miracle.

You're shot five times during an argument with a stranger, once in the back and stomach and three times in the chest, and are able to recover without any noticeable or permanent damage. The plane that you're flying on has a mechanical failure and crashes into the ground some 250 feet below. You are able to walk away physically unscathed. These are miracles of great proportions and leave many people to wonder if there is something supernatural going on.

A little more subtle but no less spectacular are some everyday miracles that take place in the lives of ordinary people. People who were once addicted to drugs or alcohol suddenly wake up to a new way of life one day, leaving the past behind once and for all without any real reasoning. They just change. What about the 125 pound woman who lifts a car because her child is pinned underneath? Adrenaline or a miracle, you decide.

If a 125 pound woman can lift a mid-size vehicle under duress through shear will, passion, and love, do you think it's possible that you, too, could manifest a miracle in your own life? Are you seeking romance, love and affection all in the same person? In today's world, that's a miracle, right? What about your financial reality? Is a miracle required to get you out of debt and put you in the black? And who wouldn't want to be healthier? Who doesn't need a miracle?

Fact is we bring about whatever it is we think about. Miracles to most people are some unexplainable event that just happens irregardless of their own will. Maybe not all miracles are human induced, but a great many of them are and many more could be. Few people understand the connection between mind and matter and the law of attraction. According to the Law of Attraction, we attract energy similar to our own.

Have you ever wondered why you attract the same kind of person over and over again? It's not that the two people are just alike but your issues surrounding those unique individuals never seem to change. Women who date abusive men will continue to attract men who are either emotionally and or physically abusive, even if there are no signs from the beginning.

Why? Because the thoughts we entertain in our heads become the pictures of our lives. We bring about what we think about whether it's relational abuse that feeds our already low self esteem and worth, or a life of poverty because that's all we've known and experienced.

If you want to manifest a miracle, or watch front and center how the law of attraction works, you must focus your attention on what it is you want. Write down what you want in details. What you are doing here is making a conscious creation to create from within. Once this is accomplished, you will be spending an ample amount of time throughout your day practicing the art of meditation, imagination, and visualization of what it is you wish to create.

This mind exercise is very important because eventually it will begin to spill over into your emotional state. You will begin to feel that you have already accomplished what it is you want. You will feel your intuitive voice speak. This is the place of passion, where the thought and feeling merge to create even something greater. This must be a feel good place in order to operate properly. This is what you call a miracle, why that woman can lift that car or how a junkie can leave the streets.

This miracle, this end result is brought about through faith. With an unwavering belief that what will be will be, because it can only be by nature of the law of attraction, you have only to trust in the end result and not be moved or discouraged by all else in between. This faith is the rock supporting the will and passion and it is Love that makes any of this even possible.

Felecia Townsend is a relationship enthusiast and personal coach. She has spent years learning the art of successful relationships and through her philanthropic writing is giving back to the community that has given her so much.

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